How to Pick Fresh Watermelon:
When picking out fresh watermelon you want to be on the lookout for a few key things. Learn how to pick fresh watermelons with help from Zenin. Picking a sweet watermelon means picking one that has had sufficient time to ripen on the vine and therefore sweeten, without becoming overly ripe and mushy. The old trick of thumping on a watermelon until you find one with a dull thud is not the best way to determine which watermelons are ripe and which are not. Rather, carefully examine the watermelons and make a couple observations. Whether you are in the field harvesting your own watermelons or at the market or grocery store, if a watermelon "passes" all these observations, chances are it is a sweet, ready to eat watermelon.
1-Press your thumbnail into the rind. It should not easily penetrate. It you can insert your nail easily, move on to the next melon.
2-Feel the watermelon. It should feel a bit rough, not smooth.
3-Look at the color of the melon. It should be a dull green color. It should not be too shiny.
4-Flip over the watermelon and look where the watermelon sits on the soil. It should be a creamy, yellowish color, not green or white. This is most important indicator of a ripe watermelon, according to University of Illinois.
5-Observe the stem where it is attached to the watermelon. It should be brown and dry. This is true even in the field.
6-Select a watermelon that is a uniform shape and free from defects, such as bruises and dents, as well. It should also be heavy since watermelons contain mostly water. These will be the healthiest watermelons.